Creole Antigua Tours

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Creole Antigua Tours

Snorkel and Lobster lunch cruise in beautiful Antigua

Experience the very best of Antigua’s natural beauty aboard our stylish 40ft speed­ boat and enjoy your day with our friendly, knowledgeable crew taking you off the beaten track to some hidden Caribbean gems.

Tripadvisor – Our award-​winning com­bi­na­tion of small inti­mate groups, relaxed laid-​back vibe and the per­sonal ser­vice of our local family-​run busi­ness has made us one of Antigua’s top rated tours on Tri­pAd­vi­sor and other travel sites. We will take you to secluded islands – beau­ti­ful Bird Island and Maiden Island – where you will have the chance to snorkel Antigua’s colour­ful coral reefs. Watch out for dol­phins, tur­tles and stingrays!

This relax­ing jour­ney will show you the most beau­ti­ful sites of the north­ern coast of Antigua. Start your cruise from Jolly Har­bour and head towards Five Islands Bay. Observe the ele­gant egret bird and pel­i­cans fish­ing and hunt­ing in their nat­ural habi­tat. Con­tinue the boat ride on the north west­ern side past Fort James along the pic­turesque coast­line to Dick­in­son Bay – rated one of the best beaches in the Caribbean.

The jour­ney con­tin­ues on to a secluded island off the north east­ern coast of Antigua, Bird Island where you will be able to snorkel in pris­tine clear water. Dis­cover the island and relax, while a sump­tu­ous local lob­ster lunch is freshly pre­pared on the beach. Enjoy the gor­geous taste of your lob­ster fresh out of the shell with Glen’s spe­cial home­made old-​fashioned rum punch or any drink from the bar.

Creole Antigua snorkellingIf snor­kel­ing isn’t your thing, kick your feet up with one of the crew mem­bers, explore your beau­ti­ful sur­round­ings or enjoy a leisurely swim in the turquoise Caribbean sea. Fresh off the grill and out of the shell, lunch on a secluded island will never taste bet­ter than this. Enjoy a deli­cious home­made lunch with freshly grilled lob­ster along with potato/​pasta and mixed green salad, gar­lic bread and home-​baked banana rum­cake for dessert (chicken, fish, or veg­e­tar­ian options also avail­able upon request).

After lunch, either dig your feet into the sand for a bit longer or head out on a brief walk to a look­out spot that offers a superb panoramic view of the North Sound area. From Bird Island we will head to the ‘starfish gar­den’ near Maiden Island for some addi­tional snor­kel­ing or shal­low water relax­ation,where you can spot a vari­ety of starfish.

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