Bryson’s Insurance

BRYSONS INSURANCE AGENCY, a division of George W. Bennett Bryson & Company Ltd. is a household name in Antigua and Barbuda. The company was established in 1835, and offers a wide range of insurance and shipping services. The company is also the Lloyds agent for Antigua and Montserrat since 1876 providing surveys on damaged hull and cargo as well as pre-shipment and discharge surveys.
Brysons is recognized as one of the leading insurance and risk management companies in Antigua & Barbuda. Through our team of highly qualified and experienced staff we are able to satisfy all your insurance requirements. A short biography of our senior technical staff is attached for reference. Bryson’s Insurance Agency has been appointed to provide insurance coverage for some of the island’s major commercial entities.
In addition we are honored to have provided Contractors All Risk coverage and Airport Contractors Liability coverage for US$500m to enable the resurfacing of the runway and the construction of the parallel taxiway at the V.C Bird International Airport. We also provided insurance coverage including performance bonds for the All Saints to English Harbour Road Construction & Rehabilitation Project and the construction of Jolly Harbour Villas.
BRYSONS INSURANCE AGENCY offers coverage on all classes of insurance through its principal insurance carrier NAGICO and through a net work of insurance providers in the UK and USA.
BRYSONS INSURANCE AGENCY an excellent record in claims settlement and service and was the only company to open one day after the passage of the disastrous hurricanes in 1995 and 1998.
Contact lisa@antiguaestates.com for a quote today!
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